How to start crypto bot trading: the ultimate guide

The last few years we hear more and more about cryptocurrencies. There are some cryptocurrencies that are worth a lot of money right now. It might be interesting to start crypto trading. A lot of people are already doing this and earning money with it. But how do you start? In this article you'll find a step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Choose for manual or automatic trading

This is the first thing you should ask yourself when you want to start crypto trading is. Manual trading is still popular, but most of the manual traders are very experienced. Starting traders mostly prefer automatic trading, as it is a lot easier. You just have to set up the crypto bot and the software makes the trades for you. This will save you a lot of time and energy. Thereby a crypto bot can't make any human mistakes and it already has a lot of knowledge itself.

Step 2: Do some research

It's important to do some research before you start trading cryptocurrencies, even if you choose for automatic trading. In the last case you don't have to do a lot of research, but you need to know a bit about the fundamentals and strategies. If you have more knowledge, you can set up better trading rules in the crypto bot. Do you want to trade manually? Then it's recommended to do some more research. Check out what cryptocurrencies there are and read more about then. Also check out which factors you should keep in mind while trading and research the best strategies.

Step 3: Compare trading platforms

Before you start trading cryptocurrencies you need to find a trading platform that meets your needs. Therefore you should compare trading platforms. Write down what functionalities you want and all the other wishes you might have. Check out which trading platforms meet your needs and compare them with each other. Some things you should definitely look into are the specifications, security, prices and reviews.

One crypto bot we can recommend to all starters is It's really easy to set up, it makes trades within seconds and it can trade multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time. Definitely a crypto bot you should check out!